Lowongan terbit 4 tahun lalu
PT. Yipu Teknologi Alamimembuka lowonganStaff Operasional & Sterilisasi Sekolah - Telesales - Creative Marketing Strategist - Visual Communication Designer
PT. Yipu Teknologi Alami saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai Staff Operasional & Sterilisasi Sekolah, Telesales, Creative Marketing Strategist, dan Visual Communication Designer.
- Pendidikan :
- SMA / SMK, D1 - D3, S1 / D4
- Gender :
- Pria/Wanita
- Umur :
- Maks. 30 Tahun
- Besaran Gaji :
- Kompetitif
- Lokasi Kerja :
- Ringroad Timur, Jl. Ahamd Yani No. 55, Kota Jogja, DIY
Syarat Pekerjaan
Staff Operasional & Sterilisasi Sekolah
- Usia maksimal 28 tahun
- Tidak Merokok
- Pendidikan Minimal SMA/Sederajat
- Domisili : Yogyakarta
- Wajib memiliki Kendaraan roda 2 sendiri & Sim C
- Bersedia dinas luar kota (dalam pulau Jawa) secara rolling per 3-6 bulan di luar kota dan 3-6 bulan di yogyakarta
- Minimal pengalaman 1 tahun di bidang Telemarketing/Online Seller/Marketing/Sales/ Customer Service
- Usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SMA sederajat
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Word dan Excel)
- Aktif menggunakan Sosial Media
Creative Marketing Strategist
- College degree preferred ( Marketing / Branding / Communication / DKV )
- Daily speaking language : Bahasa Indonesia
- Reliable transportations
- Fresh Graduates welcome to apply
Visual Communication Designer
- Bachelor degree in Visual Communication Design (DKV) or related field OR have the relevant portfolio for the job (fresh graduate or final year students are welcome to apply);
- Have a solid understanding of color, space, typography, and the design process
- Have an expert level in making illustrations, typography, photography, motion graphics, and videos
- Able to produce contents in a wide range of medias
- Able to translate design brief to actual visual outcomes
- Good team player who is reliable and accountable
- Has strong work ethic to handle workload and meet deadlines
- Able to keep up with the fast-moving industry
- Able to multi-task with eye for details, resourceful and independent under constraints of time
- Highly curious in trying new things, fun-loving and collaborative
Kirim Lamaran
Perhatikan materi lowongan dengan teliti dan waspada terhadap segala penipuan