Lowongan terbit 3 tahun lalu
PT. Logo Revolusi Group ( Logo Revolution )membuka lowonganSocial Media Officer - Customer Service - Graphic Designer - Videographer - Video Editor - Content Creator - Digital Marketer - Script/Content writer - Web Developer - Office Boy/Helper Office
PT. Logo Revolusi Group ( Logo Revolution ) adalah sebuah perusahaan Branding Agency. We design logos and build brands!
- Pendidikan :
- SMA / SMK, D1 - D3, S1 / D4
- Gender :
- Pria/Wanita
- Besaran Gaji :
- Kompetitif
- Lokasi Kerja :
- Pastika Hijau Damai, Jl. Anggajaya 2 No.4, Sanggrahan, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Sleman, DIY
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Social Media Officer
- Manage social media accounts
- Post Content and stories
- Reply DMs,Comments and all interactions
- Write content and caption
- Increase brand awareness
- Do weekly/monthly report (analytics) etc.
Customer Service
- Membalas chat dan follow up
- Membuat laporan leads yang masuk
- Closing,Up Selling,Cross selling produk/jasa ke klien
Graphic Designer
- logo design
- Social Media Content Design
- Packaging and other designs.
- Build & execute storyboard for photo and video production
- Translate design briefs into visual outcomes and produce contents
Video / Foto Editor
- Menguasai software editing video/foto
- Editing konten kreatif harian untuk social media dan ads
- Konten meliputi (Edukasi,Poduct Releaser, Creative, Ads Content, Marketing)
Content Creator
- Create, develop and produce effective and engaging content for all company social media and in accordance with the company’s brand identity.
- Research and follow industry-related trend
- Identify customers’ needs and recommend new content
- Measure traffic to content created and build objective analysis to further
Moderating & coordinate with the team to deliver content to be designed
- Other assigned content creation responsibilities
Digital Marketer
- Research on ways to more effectively penetrate the market through Ads
- Create thorough Digital Marketing Strategies through FB Ads, Google Ads, and other Social Media Ads, depending on the Brand Strategy
- Create strategies with the Creative Team to optimise brand and growth strategies
- Execute Digital Marketing Strategy in an effective and concise manner.
- Create analytical reports and feedback analysis for future strategies
- Research on trends and new functions to constantly improve the Digital Marketing efforts
Script/Content writer
- Writing scripts for advertising materials and educational video content tailored to the tone of voice of the company’s identity
- Always update topics related to content and always make sure there are no misinformation or delivery methods.
- Write clear and attractive web content
- Produce easy to read and creative article
Web Developer
- Developing front end company website
- Designing user interactions on web pages
- Create and develop websites for client member forms and create flow point systems that are integrated into client emails automatically.
- Developing back-end website applications
- Creating servers and databases for functionality
- Ensuring cross-platform optimization for mobile phones
- Ensuring responsiveness of applications
- Designing and developing APIs
- Read and report website visitor data
- Staying abreast of developments in web applications and programming languages
Office Boy/Helper Office
- Membantu menjaga kebersihan kantor
- Menjaga dan membersihkan alat studio
- Menyediakan konsumsi tamu dan karyawan dan aktivitas lainnya terkait kebutuhan kantor
Syarat Pekerjaan
Social Media Officer
- Cowok/cewek
- Usia 22-28 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SMA/Sederajat
- Energetic,Creative and Pro-Active person
- Passionate and active in social media
- Have knowledge about current trends
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai SMO/Social Media Manager minimal 1 tahun
- Mampu bekerja individu maupun dalam tim
- Disiplin,teliti dan mampu bekerja dalam tekanan
- Rajin beribadah
- Domisili Yogyakarta
- Please attach your CV & Portfolio in PDF format
Customer Service
- Wanita 22 – 28 th.
- Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan
- Diutamakan berpengalaman sebagai customer service min 1 tahun.
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi,inovatif dan negosiasi yang baik
- Sabar , teliti, cekatan dan disiplin.
- Terbiasa mengatur waktu dengan baik
- Mempunyai loyalitas kerja, mau belajar dan mempunyai ambisi dalam mencapai target perusahaan.
- Sangat menyukai dunia penjualan dan pelayanan
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim.
- Rajin beribadah
- Antusias dan bisa bekerja dalam tekanan maupun target.
- Domisili di Yogyakarta.
- Please attach your CV in PDF format
Graphic Designer
- Pria/Wanita
- Usia 20-29 tahun maksimal
- Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK Sederajat
- Menguasai Program PS,Corel Draw,AI
- Domisili Yogyakarta / Bisa Remote
- Terbiasa bekerja dibawah tekanan dan deadline
- Jujur,Kreatif,Pekerja keras,Bisa manage waktu dengan baik dan efektif
- Bisa bekerjasama tim
- Please attach your CV & Portfolio in PDF format
- Pria
- Usia 20-28 tahun maksimal
- Profesional dan kreatif dengan keterampilan Videografi
- Komunikatif
- Terbiasa manage waktu dengan baik
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai videographer
- Rajin beribadah
- Please attach your CV & Portfolio in PDF format
Video/Foto Editor
- Pria/Wanita
- Usia 20-28
- Minimal SMA/SMK sederajat
- Disiplin, Jujur dan Bertanggung jawab
- Pengalaman menjadi nilai tambah
- Bisa bekerja individu dan tim
- Rajin beribadah
- Please attach your CV & Portfolio in PDF format
Content Creator
- Cewek
- Usia 22-28 tahun maks
- Millennials, one of a kind, extrovert, love being on camera, love talking
- Have proven experience as Content Creator (IG, TikTok, etc)
- Have experience as English copywriter is a plus point
- Excellent communication skills
- Fast learner
- Please attach your CV & Portfolio in PDF format
Digital Marketer
- Maximal 28 years old
- Minimal 1 year experience in Digital Marketing
- Can speak English
- Creative Thinking and Problem Solving skills
- Strong in Social media ads and Search engine ads
- Able to create Email Marketing
- Strong Copywriting skills
- Strong objective and creative analysis, able to create reporting
- Please attach your CV in PDF format
Script/Content Writer
- Excellent writing, editing and communication skills (Indonesian & English)
- Strong creative thinker with in-depth knowledge about the advertising circle
- Have good interpersonal skills and work well in a team
- The ability to write and think creatively
- Strong research skills
- Fast learner
- Good at Ms. Office
- Able to work with schedule & deadlines
- Minimum 2 years of experience as a creative content writer.
- Please attach your CV & Portfolio in PDF format
Web Developer
- Pria
- Maximal 28 years old
- Minimum 3 years of experiences
- Skill required : PHP, Laravel Framework
- Solid knowledge of Javascript, HTML and CSS
- Solid knowledge of Mysql database
- Solid knowledge of Jquery, AJAX, Restful API (JSON)
- Experience with Vue.js, Angular.js and cloud server
- Familiar with Agile and Scrum Project Management
- Understanding about security practices
- Please attach your CV & Portfolio in PDF format
Office Boy/Helper Office
- Pria
- Usia 25-35
- Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK
- Rajin sholat 5 waktu
- Bersih dan rapi
- Rajin,cekatan,bersih dan bertanggung jawab
- Punya SIM C
Kirim Lamaran
- Email :
- hrd@logorevolution.id
Perhatikan materi lowongan dengan teliti dan waspada terhadap segala penipuan