Lowongan terbit 9 bulan lalu
PT. Widya Sandhiguna Proteksi membuka lowonganProduct Owner - Software Engineer - Cryptographer
PT. Widya Sandhiguna Proteksi adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Key Management System & Kriptografi, saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai :
- Product Owner
- Software Engineer
- Cryptographer
- Pendidikan :
- S1 / D4
- Gender :
- Pria/Wanita
- Besaran Gaji :
- 5 - 6 Juta
- Lokasi Kerja :
- Gedung Centenial Tower Lt. 29, Unit D-F Jl. Jendr. Gatot Subroto Kav. 24-25 RT 002 RW 002, Kel. Karet Semanggi, Kec. Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Product Owner
- Memahami terkait visi misi perusahaan
- Memahami secara teknis dan proses bisnis terkait produk SG-KMS
- Melakukan pengembangan proses bisnis produk SG-KMS
- Berkolaborasi dengan developer terkait pengembangan produk SG-KMS mulai dari konsep-proses development produk, dan evaluasi
- Berkolaborasi dengan tim sales untuk mendapatkan feedback customer untuk pengembangan produk dan memberikan support untuk proses penjualan SG-KMS
Syarat Pekerjaan
Product Owner
- Lulusan S1/D4 Matematika, Statistika, Teknologi informasi, Teknik Informatika, Ilmu komputer, teknik elektro, atau yang serumpun
- Memiliki pengetahuan dan atau pengalaman menggunakan on-premise server berbasis Intel Xeon
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang kriptografi berbasis SHA256 dan Key Managament System (KMS)
- Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman minimun 1 tahune terkait pengembangan produk IT
- Memiliki pengtahuan pengembangan produk dengan metode scrum
- Kirim lamaran ke EMAIL dengan Subject : PO_Sandhiguna.
Software Engineer
- Candidates must possess at least a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, or equivalent professional experience in Software Development
- At least 1 year(s) of experience in Software Development, Software Delivery, and post implementation
- Demonstrated good experience in any Object Oriented Programming language (C#/C++/Python,etc)
- Candidates with a strong grasp of Linux, embedded systems, and C++ are highly preferred
- Strong fundamentals in Computer Science : object oriented, model driven development, algorithms, and others
- Familiar with and used to best practices in programming
- Committed to writing good quality and high performance code
- Demonstrate good logical thinking as well as attention to detail
- A passion to build great solutions and impress both colleagues and customers
- Good communication skills in English both oral and written
- (Subject : SE_Sandhiguna)
- Minimum S1 Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Information Technology Study Programs (Preferably S2)
- Minimum GPA 3.25
- Preferably graduates from universities with A/Excellent/International accreditation
- Have knowledge related to the field of cryptography, especially algorithms that have been standardized by NIST
- Have the ability and experience of research/thesis/final project/thesis in the field of cryptography
- Able to use and be familiar with computers using the Linux operating system (Debian and Fedora based)
- Have communication skills both verbally and inwriting (presentations, publications)
- (Subject : Cryp_Sandhiguna)
Kirim Lamaran
- Email :
- hrd@widyasecurity.com
Perhatikan materi lowongan dengan teliti dan waspada terhadap segala penipuan