Lowongan terbit 10 bulan lalu

Dragonshipsmembuka lowonganMechanical Engineer - Electronics Engineer - Naval Architect - Automotive Bodyworks

Dragonship is a brand new start-up division under the patronage of Formulatrix, Inc that produces luxurious high technology boat and foil boards. Using the most advanced hydrofoil technology, we will bring a higher level of experience in sailing and surfing. Armed with an exceptional team, we believe in becoming a prominent leader in the hydrofoil boat industry.


  • Pendidikan :
  • SMA / SMK, D1 - D3, S1 / D4
  • Gender :
  • Pria/Wanita
  • Besaran Gaji :
  • Kompetitif
  • Lokasi Kerja :
  • Salatiga, Jawa Tengah.

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10 bulan lalu
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