Lowongan terbit 3 tahun lalu
Logo Revolutionmembuka lowonganGraphic Designer
PT. Logo Revolusi Group (Logo Revolution) is a Branding Agency company that has helped thousands of clients and companies from home to abroad in branding ranging from logo design, commercial design and other designs since 2017.
With the tagline “Create Your Hope” we at Logo Revolution believe that we can help together and help create hope for many people, especially UMKM.
- Pendidikan :
- Gender :
- Pria/Wanita
- Umur :
- 20 - 28 tahun
- Besaran Gaji :
- Kompetitif
- Lokasi Kerja :
- Pastika Hijau Damai, Jl. Anggajaya 2 No.4, Sanggrahan, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Sleman, DIY
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Create attractive social media designs and marketing designs for client and company advertising
Syarat Pekerjaan
- Work From Office
- Usia 20-28 tahun maksimal
- Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK Sederajat
- Menguasai Program PS,Corel Draw/AI
- Domisili Yogyakarta
- Terbiasa bekerja dibawah tekanan dan deadline
- Jujur,Kreatif,Pekerja keras,bisa manage waktu dengan baik dan
- Bisa bekerjasama tim
Please attach your CV & Best Portfolio in PDF FORMAT
Kirim Lamaran
- Email :
- hrd@logorevolution.id
Perhatikan materi lowongan dengan teliti dan waspada terhadap segala penipuan