Lowongan sudah ditutup
PT. Niscala Bhumi Cundamani membuka lowonganAdmin Socmed - Web Designer - Accountant
PT. Niscala Bhumi Cundamani adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jual beli property, developer perumahan, real estate & digital marketing.
- Pendidikan :
- SMA / SMK, D1 - D3, S1 / D4
- Gender :
- Pria/Wanita
- Umur :
- Maks. 28 tahun
- Besaran Gaji :
- 1,5 - 4 Juta
- Batas Lamaran :
- 30 Juni 2023
- Lokasi Kerja :
- Kantor Cabang Niscala Jogja Sleman, Jl. Rajawali Raya No. 154B, Manukan, Condongcatur, Sleman, DIY
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Admin Socmed
- Paham dan familiar dengan perkembangan dunia sosmed
- Membuat gambar foto & video produk
- Memiliki skill take video dan video editing konten sosmed
- Terbiasa dengan brief copy konten dan storyboard konten sosmed
- Bisa menjadi Customer Service Deal Maker
- Siap & terbiasa bekerja dengan target omset
- Pengalaman dibidangnya min 1 th
- Paham dan mampu layouting landing page dengan baik
- Paham digital advertising diutamakan (Google Ads, FB Ads, dll)
Web Designer
- A Web Designer will be responsible for creating website includes design, layout, and coding
- Responsible for Finance/ Accounting including general accounting, finance, costing, reporting
- Responsible for handling cash and banking process
- Responsible for tax report
- Responsible for calculating employee salaries and reimbursement
Syarat Pekerjaan
Admin Socmed
- Pria/Wanita muslim usia maks 28 tahun
- Pendidikan min SMA/SMK
- Bersedia WFO (Work From Office)
- Ceria, islami dan siap bertumbuh dunia akhirat
- Memiliki laptop/device sendiri yang support
Web Disigner
- At least 1 year(s) experience in the related field
- Highly skilled with image editor – Photoshop, Illustrator
- Good sense of design layout, typography, color & photos
- Knowledge of cross-browser HTML & CSS
- Basic understanding of Javascript (vanilla JS, jQuery, DOM manipulation)
- Experience with HTML Pre-processor (HAML, Jade) & CSS Pre-processor (Sass, Less)
- Familiar with modern build tools (Gulp, Grunt, Middleman)
- Understand at least one CSS Methodology (OOCSS, BEM, Suit, etc)
- Experience managing project within a version control system (SVN,git,)
- Have capacity to work independently and also as a part of team
- Strong self learning, interpersonal skills, confident, and trustworthy as well
- Willing to work in Yogyakarta
- Bachelor’s Degree in Finance/ Accounting from reputable University
- Minimum 2 (two) years experiences
- Has deep understanding in Tax for Law Firm
- Able to make Financial Report & Invoice
- Excellent skill in Microsoft Office, Accounting App & ERP
- Strong attention to detail
- Honest and adaptable
- Able to work under pressure
Kirim Lamaran
Mohon maaf, lowongan sudah ditutup
Perhatikan materi lowongan dengan teliti dan waspada terhadap segala penipuan